I4 Birksø - Mirror - Oak - Black - 50 x 110

I4 Birksø - Mirror - Oak - 50 x 110I4 Birksø Spejl i Eg 50 x 110 af Rebecca Uth I4 Birksø - Mirror - Oak - Black - 50 x 110I4 Birksø Spejl i Eg Sort 50 x 110 af Rebecca Uth I4 Birksø - Mirror - Oak - Ø50I4 Birksø Spejl i Eg Ø50 af Rebecca Uth I4 Birksø - Mirror - Oak - Ø70I4 Birksø Spejl i Eg Ø70 af Rebecca Uth I4 Birksø - Mirror - Oak - Black - Ø70I4 Birksø Spejl i Eg Sort Ø70 af Rebecca Uth I4 Birksø - Mirror - Oak - Black - Ø50I4 Birksø Spejl i Eg Sort Ø50 af Rebecca Uth

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Info about the product

Birksø is a mirror created for FDB Møbler, sporting the hallmarks of the familiar classics from the company’s history. The wooden wedge of the mirror, a turned cigar-shaped circular stick, is recognisable from many of the most iconic pieces of furniture. Birksø thus contributes to the story of FDB Møbler’s design heritage, while its simple, curved shape will grace any living space, e.g. the hallway, bathroom or living room. The mirror is easy to wall-mount using the stretch-resistant webbing strap woven into the herringbone pattern.
Designer Rebecca Uth - FDB Møbler

Rebecca Uth

Rebecca Uth is a trained designer from the Academy of Fine Arts and has had a remarkable career focusing on the art of use and interior products for the home. She has worked with glass, ceramics and wood and has been interested in how crafts and designs materialize in everyday objects with quality, sustainability and materiality at the center.  She has previously held leading positions with some of the major Nordic design brands, but since 2019 has had her own studio in Vilholt close to nature. Rebecca Uth was born in the Faroe Islands.

Rebecca Uth

Rebecca Uth is a trained designer from the Academy of Fine Arts and has had a remarkable career focusing on the art of use and interior products for the home. She has worked with glass, ceramics and wood and has been interested in how crafts and designs materialize in everyday objects with quality, sustainability and materiality at the center.  She has previously held leading positions with some of the major Nordic design brands, but since 2019 has had her own studio in Vilholt close to nature. Rebecca Uth was born in the Faroe Islands.

Designer Rebecca Uth - FDB Møbler
It is the focal point of my work that crafts and designs are closely connected -art craftsmanship must have space to materialize and create value in everyday life
Birksø spejl - I4 - FDB Møbler

Care and maintenance

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